Character: Ichabod

Master Swordsman, Legacy Hunter, and Leader of Chapter Alpha One


Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 13

He said the thing! The thing from the movies! We’ve been working on the comic since 2011. This was, in no way, a constant, productive workflow (it turns out there’s a lot of cool...

Chapter Alpha One battles a tentacular monstrosity at the Eiffel Tower 5

Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 1

Chapter Alpha One battles a tentacular monstrosity at the Eiffel Tower

↓ TranscriptPAGE 1 PANEL 1 Splash page. Champ de Mars, Paris. Parisians flee in terror as Alpha One fights a TENTACULAR MONSTROSITY clambering its way up the Eiffel Tower. A number of its offspring–MINISTROSITIES...