Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 35

Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 35

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8 Responses

  1. Kale says:

    Now the question is, was she trying to kick Jim or did she just spontaneously break out into break dancing?

  2. Tec says:


    The best answer is yes.

  3. Orlaith Inghean Iomhair says:

    I like this one, she like the polar-opposite of Silent Jim.

  4. Very high hopes of this unknown character… Squeee!

    You know, not to put any pressure on you guys, but if she’s anything less than awesome, someone’s getting a boot to the head. While doing a backflip.

  5. Matthew "Kyu Kage" Hunt says:

    I like the alt text.

    Depends on how much her rambling rattles his nerves I think. 😉

  6. PolkaNinja says:

    Kung-fu Voodoo Scientist and DH fangirl with a motormouth.
    I like her. 🙂

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