Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 37
I told Ben to draw whatever he wanted in the Warehouse. Apparently Ben wanted to draw Optimus Prime. And a carrot.
First draft of the RPG is turned in, but plenty more work to do. Speaking of which, been doing some interesting work this week for said RPG with major implications for the Demon Hunters universe. More to come on that front!
And, apparently, a rather sizable squid. I wanna go to their jumble sale.
Actually, the squid was in the script.
Vancouver Related?
Nope, just octopus and cuttlefish related.
Strangled cry: “OPTIMUSSSSSSSSSS!”
Maybe we can get the Junkions to put him back together?
(“I’ll take ‘Obscure 80’s Toy Line Movies’ for $50, Alex.” 🙂
I’ll take Weird Al Soundtrack contributions for $200! 😉
What are “Transformers The Movie”, and “Johnny Dangerously”? 🙂
I was expecting a giant turnip.
Those are on a different aisle.
I just checked the guest bedroom to make sure Squidly was still with us, not trapped in the Brotherhood’s Warehouse. Phew! Still, we might need to go on a mission to free his brethren!
Nope sorry it’s canon that’s Squidly. I’m sorry for your loss.
Alas poor Squidly, we hardly knew thee.
So, do we get a series of twenty pages now of Brotherhood Orientation as presented by Gabriel?
I hope not. I want to draw some blood!!!
Why is everyone so concerned about the cephalopod and the robots?
I say, why not focus on the shadowy figures at the end, such as the Medieval Siege device.
Dude, that’s the forklift.
Mind you, it’s a 16th century forklift, but still.
Full disclosure: This page is the result of me being sick, on Nyquil, told to draw a couple specific things and “whatever else,” and a rush to complete the page in a single day.
I honestly don’t even remember deciding on “giant carrot.” Seriously, what the
Follow Up: Facebook RetCon Conversation FTW! 😛
I just rummage through all the unmarked boxes!!!
I thought the carrot was yours following the ‘Vorpal Bunny’ encounter mentioned here :
I love the fact that the golem actually has Hebrew script on the forehead, nice touch!
I’m glad you caught that, I was worried I made it too small.