Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 11

Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 11

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10 Responses

  1. unacomnacomn says:

    Smash cut, five weeks later to one of Satan’s underlings telling him that Gabriel wants to give him his game back, and he’s going to have to take every demon out on a round of soul stealing and getting piss drunk on sulphur shots.

    Satan looks confused, shrugs, and goes back to reading his paper.

  2. Max_Writer says:

    HAHAHA! Great stuff. Can’t wait to see more.

  3. Ben, I think you are getting better.
    Gabriel looks great in the first two panels he appears in and good in the last two.

    Can’t wait to see you develop as an artist 🙂

    • I especially like him on the first panel. It doesn’t look like your usual style and therefore underscores Gabriel’s mood at that moment.
      I think if used not to often this “departure from style” can be very powerful.

  4. Where are the transcripts for the last five pages (and this one)?
    I enjoy every little bit of extra content, so if would be great, if you could add those, Jenna 🙂

    • Oh, and a link to Kentucky’s columns would be great.

      P.S.: Don’t worry, I’m done with complaining about the comic… for today 😉

    • Jenna McMichael says:

      I agree, that *would* be great! I’d honestly forgotten all about adding the transcripts. I’ll get back on that, especially since they’re not so much for the readers as they are for Google, since web-browsing robots can’t read a jpeg!

  5. Town Crier says:

    Raalf’s an okay guy. He was always good for chips and a really great salsa when us guys got together to watch “Gilmore Girls”.

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