Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 23

Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 23

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22 Responses

  1. Wow… Just wow…
    What an amazing looking page!

  2. unacomn says:

    Now I realize why Jim ran off the page, he knew it would get punched to pieces.

  3. Orlaith Inghean Iomhar says:

    Love the use of the glass piece for the different scenes. Also Wolf looks amazing!

  4. Gordon Duke says:

    Now my brain is stuck in cross genre wolf 359

  5. ………………….I like him. I really like this guy.

  6. Mike Gorgone says:

    Wolf’s real superpower is his extremely dexterous jaw, capable of biting a man’s skull while still keeping hold of his cigar.

  7. This page either has the longest or shortest script so far…

  8. Leslie says:

    Interludes? Thou hast intrigued me, sirs. 😉

  9. Town Crier says:

    Uh… we got a “Brock Samson” on line one. He sounds… agitated.

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